Supine arm extensions: Do the upper arms have to be fixed?

The triceps brachii is located on the back of our arms and is one of the most developed muscles in our upper limbs! Strong triceps make our arms more sculpted, and also help us perform better in sports (all kinds of pushing movements) and lift heavier!

There are many ways to train the triceps, one of which is a very classic action: supine arm extension

One of the most effective ways to train the triceps is the traditional barbell arm extension. 1. The method is: lie on your back on a training bench, fix your upper arms and perform elbow flexion!

This is a traditional method, but in order to better train your entire triceps, I will introduce it to you today A great little tip to improve your barbell dips!

Action demonstration!

Yes, it is different from the traditional way of fixing the elbow. This action is based on our basic supine arm. The movement of shoulder joint flexion and extension is added to the flexion and extension.

Benefits of this:

When training, we need to try to keep the triceps brachii during the movement. The tension will reduce the pressure on the elbow

Increasing a little shoulder movement during the movement will help you reduce the pressure on the elbow. The elbow joint has been fixed as the fulcrum during the traditional movement. Many people will feel a little uncomfortable. Comfortable

At the same time, adding shoulder movements alsoIt will increase the stimulation of the long head of the triceps brachii (the long head of the triceps brachii tendon connects to the scapula and is also responsible for shoulder joint extension)

The following is an introduction to specific actions!

1. Adopt Incline the chair (the angle is about 70 degrees) and hold the barbell with a narrow grip (straight bar, curved bar) as for the top of your head!

2. Then bend your elbows and drop the barbell downwards, while slightly flexing your shoulders. The barbell drops to the back of your head, maintaining tension!

3. Pull the barbell up, stretch your shoulders and elbows at the same time, pull the barbell up, and bend your elbows slightly!


1. Actions must be performed in an orderly and controlled manner. Remember not to use too much weight. The recommended weight is 12-15RM

2. Elbow flexion and extension are dominant, and the shoulders are only slightly involved. Do not make a straight-arm pull-up!

3. Make sure your elbows are facing forward and avoid flaring out as much as possible