Shoulder training: Cable face pull + overhead press

The shoulder joint is the core hub of our upper limbs. If you have problems with your shoulders, all your training movements will be affected, and you will have to give up your beloved barbells and dumbbells!

There are many reasons for shoulder joint problems, the most common of which is functional imbalance

In real life, many people may sit for long periods of time, resulting in hunched back, shoulder internal rotation, shoulder blades away from the neutral position, upper back weakness and other bad conditions!

In fitness training, many people pay too much attention to their chest muscles and front triangle, and do too many shoulder adduction and shoulder internal rotation training movements, resulting in insufficient development of shoulder abduction and external rotation capabilities, and imbalance of muscle strength!

At this time, you need to build shoulder abduction and external rotation strength, and strengthen the middle and lower parts of your upper back trapezius, rhomboids, and posterior deltoid muscles! Help you adjust the front-to-back imbalance and improve the forward and internal rotation of the shoulder. Build good shoulder function

Recommended exercises: Kneeling elastic band face pull + press

This is a good training action, mainly used to train shoulder external rotation, abductor muscles, and improve shoulder function!

The sequence of actions can be broken down into: rope pull-back, shoulder external rotation and overhead push

Action process: Kneel down, stand upright, hold the elastic band with both hands, the height of the elastic band is at the same height as your shoulders!

Pull the elastic band back horizontally until the upper arm and forearm are 90 degrees, then hold for one second, use the elbow as the fulcrum, rotate the shoulder upward and externally, and then press it upwards above the head

Repeat the above actions until you complete a set of exercises.


, Keep your body straight and don’t sway.

, Exercise with light weight to ensure correct movements

, Elbows always maintain a 90-degree right angle